This video by Youtube user, Gaminggeek, made the rounds on the internet a while back but I just got around to watching it. It is an inspiring video, because even if you do not want/need the nested layer like it has, it shows how simple the construction can be with only basic tools that a lot of us have access to. It’s a long video but super interesting, and the gaming imagination runs wild when you watch it!
Board Games
Game Night Report #17
My time has been limited since Christmas, and unfortunately I haven’t been able to do as much gaming as I would like. However, I’ve still managed to get in a few games here and there. Here are a couple of the games I’ve played recently!
Lego Creationary

Photo from
Recently Sergio, Tim, Jordan, Laura, Trudi, Cam, and myself sat down to play Creationary, a Lego building board game, and it was a blast! I grew up laying with Legos so it was a treat to once again make Lego creations with my friends. In Creationary players draw a card with 4 images on it, roll a custom D6, and then build the instructed animal/vehicle/tool/etc from their card. The other players try to guess what the creation is and if they’re correct then both the builder and the correct guesser get points.
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Game Night Report #16
I’ve played several new games lately and as per the usual I am sharing some of them with you! As always this article serves as a sort of mini-review for multiple games at once, and I hope you find the information within useful when considering what games to play/buy next!
Dice City

Photo from
I had been looking forward to playing Dice City since I first heard about it way earlier in 2015, and I have been very happy with the game so far! Recently Sergio and I sat down to play it head to head as we built our cities, vying for control of the proud nation of Rolldovia! *music starts* “Hail! Hail, Rolldovia! A laaannndddd I didn’t make uuuupppp!!!” Also, if you get that joke then you’re awesome!
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7 Wonders: Duel Review
Board Game VIP Announcement
The Board Game VIP interview with The Dice Tower’s Sam Healey has been extremely popular and I wanted to give an update that I think a lot of people will be excited for. I’ve finished interviews with Matt Leacock and Uwe Rosenberg and they will be added to the website very soon. Bruno Cathala has also agreed to participate. Follow us on Facebook and/or enter your email on the right side of your screen to follow the FDR website and be alerted to these interviews and all other articles!
-Matt S.
Upcoming Expansions to Great Games
Some very popular games that are much loved by board gamers have expansions coming out soon! Some add more of the ‘same’ that made the original great, and others add new mechanics to enhance game play! Click for more information about these expansions and links to their pages!
Heroes of Normandie Review
Game Night Report #7
The last few weeks have been filled with some great gaming for me, despite being incredibly busy at work! I got to play a game recently featured on Tabletop for the first time, a few classics, some all-time favorites, and a game that I have been looking forward to for a very, very long time! Here are a few of my gaming adventures from the very recent past!
The Jester’s Court
Ultimate Werewolf
My very good friends and owners of my FLGS, Sean and Trudy, asked if I’d be interested in helping out during a game night for a local Big Brothers Big Sisters organization called Partners. It was my day off so naturally I told them I’d be happy to!
Concept Review
Shadows over Camelot: The Card Game Review
Five Tribes Review
Special thanks to The Jester’s Court for lending me the copy of Five Tribes to learn and review. Check out their website here!
Machi Koro Review
2015 Spiel des Jahres and Kennerspiel des Jahres Predictions
The Spiel des Jahres is considered the highest honor a board game can be awarded. The Spiel des Jahres is a German award for the best family game of the year, and the Kennerspiel des Jahres is the award along the same vein except reserved for more challenging games. The Kennerspiel des Jahres doesn’t get AS much attention as the Spiel des Jahres, but since it covers games for an older, more experienced crowd I tend to care more about it personally. I am avoiding the Kinderspiel des Jahres as it focuses on games specifically for children; a category I know nothing about. Here are this year’s nominees as well as my thoughts and predictions!
2015 Spiel des Jahres Nominees
Game Night Report #5
I’ve had another great couple of weeks of gaming, and here are some of the highlights!
Sergio’s House
My friend, Sergio, is another avid gamer and recently purchased Descent 2.0. We play a lot of different games, but our Descent campaign has been a blast.
Descent, 2nd Edition
Kickstarter Report #3
Another Kickstarter Report! This time we’re going to be looking at a dueling game with some of the most amazing artwork I’ve seen in a very long time, beautifully designed metal dice and a battle card game! All of these campaigns are live on Kickstarter as of the time of this post, so follow the links in this article to check them out. If you like them, be sure to lend your support and do your part to get these great looking games and accessories to store shelves everywhere!
Castle Assault
Castle Assault is a unique looking battle card game that has both a single player campaign and a regular two player mode. From the Kickstarter Campaign’s page:
“Castle Assault is an intense Battle Card Game for 1 or 2 Players where You lead a strategic conquest of your Enemy’s Castle Stronghold. Castle Assault includes many different Cultures, each with their own customizable deck, tactics, and lore for great re-playability.”
Game Night Report #2
Another Game Night Report! Read about how I lose to a 10 year old in a game where I probably shouldn’t lose to a 10 year old, and much more! Yeah!!!! *Imaginary guitar solo!!!!*
Tuesday, March 10th, My House
Ayden, Dagon (my sons) and my wife, Maile, join me at the living room table for a cooperative game that we are way late to the party for! I am considering this game training for my kids for when the new Monolith Conan game arrives!
Mice and Mystics
Game Night Report #1
Game Night Report was an article I started on the previous website for FDR. Technically, this is not the first Game Night Report, but it is the first GNR on this website. So as to not confuse anyone in the future trying to find the first few GNRs by naming this one a number higher than 1, I am instead starting the article fresh! Make sense? Excellent!
This article is a look at any previous gaming sessions I have had in the very recent past. Through this article you will get to read about the games I play, and even thought it isn’t a full review it might be enough to get you interested in a new game. Hopefully it will provide a little humor along the way as well!
Let’s get started…
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