Photo from Gamewright.com
If you’re not familiar with Sneaky Cards here’s a brief introduction. It’s less of a game and more of crazy, super interactive scavenger hunt. The owner of Sneaky Cards has access to a deck of 54 cards, each with a different task. Unlike most games where owners do their best to NOT lose components, Sneaky Cards is designed to be given away piece by piece.

Card #19 in the Sneaky Cards deck. This one is simply left somewhere to be easily found by someone else!
Each deck is identified by a unique serial number, in these photo it is deck B-******-19. The identifier has been blacked out (in red) so as not to skew the final results. What results, you ask? Well in Sneaky Cards, as people track the cards they find/have been given, the information on sneakycards.com is updated and everyone can track the cards’ progress all over the world. The decks to be given away are registered to Flaming Dice Reviews, but anyone who gets these cards can track their progress. It’s a fun way to share our hobby! Keep reading for details on the giveaway and how to enter!

A little ninja appears wherever someone is when they enter the code from the card!
The Giveaway and Rules
The 7th Flaming Dice Reviews Board Game Giveaway is a special one! 4 decks/copies of Sneaky Cards by Gamewright will be given away automatically, and if we get enough Likes and Shares then we’ll give away even more! The rules for entering are simple, but the winners will be chosen by the number of ‘Likes’ their comments receive instead of via a random drawing. Follow all of the rules of the contest (there are VERY few) and make a comment detailing your plan to distribute these cards, and share the post if you like to get your friends to vote for your plan!

Tracking the cards is super easy, and the appropriate code is printed at the bottom of each card!
Do you have 5 or 6 board game conventions scheduled for this year? Do you live in a city with a lot of tourists? Do you own a geek-themed e-commerce site where you could mail them out to customers? Do you have a trillion board game buddy pen pals? Then you’re a great candidate to receive a copy! Leave a comment on the Sneaky Cards Giveaway post on Facebook and let us know how you’d give these cards away! The posts with the most ‘Likes’ will get a copy mailed to them! If you’re not interested in Sneaky Cards, then simply vote for the best plan(s) on the post. Anybody can vote, even us at FDR!
The rules for this one are going to be a little different, so let’s recap all relevant rules for this particular giveaway:
- SPECIAL TO THIS GIVEAWAY – Everyone is eligible to win, even previous winners!
- You must not know any writer for Flaming Dice Reviews outside of the internet. We would not be accused of faking the results. Sorry!
- You must not be entering under a “dummy” account. This keeps people from stacking the results in their favor. It will be left to FDR’s discretion as to who appears to be entering under a “dummy” Facebook account.
- ‘Like’ the FDR Sneaky Cards Board Game Giveaway post on Facebook. If you haven’t ‘Liked’ the FDR Facebook Page, we’d appreciate you liking that as well.
- Comment on the FDR Sneaky Cards Board Game Giveaway post. The list of comments is much easier to pull participants from, and it allows us to more easily tag and notify winners who we might not be ‘Friends’ with. Remember, the winner for THIS giveaway will be the applicants who have the best plan as decided by the number of ‘Likes’.
- Wait for the comment on the FDR Sneaky Cards Board Game Giveaway post that names the winners!
This Giveaway will end on Wednesday February 24, 2016!
One Final Thing
If you enjoy this website and/or the giveaways we do, show your support by clicking here to vote us up on Board Game Links! It’s easy and super fast with no login required. Just click the heart icon and you’re done! Click here to vote us up! The link will open in a new window!
It’s a new year, so even if you voted last year do us a favor and vote again! The voting started over in 2016!
Click here to visit the FDR Facebook page to find the Sneaky Cards Giveaway!