My time has been limited since Christmas, and unfortunately I haven’t been able to do as much gaming as I would like. However, I’ve still managed to get in a few games here and there. Here are a couple of the games I’ve played recently!
Lego Creationary

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Recently Sergio, Tim, Jordan, Laura, Trudi, Cam, and myself sat down to play Creationary, a Lego building board game, and it was a blast! I grew up laying with Legos so it was a treat to once again make Lego creations with my friends. In Creationary players draw a card with 4 images on it, roll a custom D6, and then build the instructed animal/vehicle/tool/etc from their card. The other players try to guess what the creation is and if they’re correct then both the builder and the correct guesser get points.
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